

Read more on ‘How to’ Read a Title Search

‘How to’ Read a Title Search

Tony Spagnuolo, President of Spagnuolo & Company Real Estate Lawyers explains what you should look for when reading a title search in British Columbia. How to read a Title Search “Today we're going to talk about how to read a title search, what the information is that's on there that's common anyway, we're going to…

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Read more on Station Entrance for Arbutus Station

Station Entrance for Arbutus Station

There has been speculation for quite some time now about where exactly the entrance is for the Arbutus Station. The western terminus station, Arbutus Station, of the underground extension of SkyTrain’s Millennium Line will be Broadway & Arbutus Street.  The open plaza space adjacent to Arbutus Greenway and BC Liquor Store was originally intended to be reserved…

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